
The paper presents an innovative approach in the modelling of multi-storey timber-framed buildings, where double-skin façade elements (DSF) are additionally considered as load-bearing wall elements against a horizontal load impact. The mathematical model with a fictive diagonal element developed for timber-framed wall elements with classical oriented strand boards (OSB) or fibre–plaster sheathing boards (FPB) is upgraded for DSF elements. The diameter of the fictive diagonal is determined with either experimental results or numerically obtained results using the time-consuming FEM model with elastic spring elements, which simulates the bonding line between the timber frame and both glazing panes. In the second part of the study, the numerical analysis of a specially selected three-storey timber-framed building was performed using the developed mathematical model with fictive diagonal elements. Two alternative calculations were performed with the DSF elements as non-resisting and racking-resisting wall elements. It was demonstrated on the selected case that the racking resistance (R) of a building can essentially increase up to 35% if DSF elements are considered as resisting wall elements. As a secondary goal of the study, it is also important to point out that by using DSF elements as racking-resisting elements, the distortion in the first floor essentially decreased. It is demonstrated on the selected numerical example that this torsional influence decreased notably (by almost 18%) when the load-bearing DSF elements were used for seismic excitation in the X direction. Therefore, such an approach can open new perspectives in designing multi-storey timber-framed buildings with a more attractive and dynamic floor plan and structure.

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