
The two cells, basal and chalazal endosperm chamber in Potamogeton nodosus, although have different ontogeny and ploidy, yet reveal identical metabolic activity and cytochemical behaviour during progressive stages of embryogenesis.At the globular proembryo stage, in the basal cell as well as in the chalazal endosperm cell, numerous nucleolar bodies aggregate at the periphery of the nucleus. The nuclei of both the cells at the monocot embryo stage, become deeply-lobed and produce nucleolar extrusions. These nucleolar bodies during later embryogenesis migrate into the cytoplasm, stain for proteins, RNA and are also Feulgenpositive. The phenomenon of nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction is, thus revealed. Such a phenomenon may help in the stopage of cytokinesis in the basal cell and the chalazal endosperm chamber (cell) in Potamogeton nodosus.

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