
The morphology, dynamics and annealing behaviour of acrylonitrile/methyl acrylate copolymer P(AN-co-MA) have been examined by means of broad-line nuclear magnetic resonance ( 1H BL-n.m.r.) and WAXS methods. The difference in conformation between ‘pure’ acrylonitrile sequences and ‘foreign’ unit-centred triads has been revealed and a conformational model of the copolymer has been proposed. Three distinct steps in behaviour of P(AN-co-MA) on annealing have been distinguished and interpreted. The role of the comonomer units in molecular mobility as well as in structural and chemical changes on heat treatment has been emphasized. Both differences and similarities between polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and P(AN-co-MA) have been shown and an attempt has been made to explain the effect of the comonomer units on paracrystalline and amorphous regions.

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