
The experimental nuclear spectroscopic data for known nuclides of mass number 75 (Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Kr, Rb, Sr) have been evaluated and presented together with Adopted properties for levels and γ rays. New high-spin data are available for 75Ga, and 75Rb; and lifetime data for high-spin states in 75Br and 75Kr. For ΔJ =1, M1+E2 transitions in two rotational bands in 75Kr, several B(E2)(W.u.) values are anomalously high, deviating by 2–3 σ values from currently accepted RUL(E2) = 300. In the opinion of the evaluators, there is need to remeasure level lifetimes and multipole mixing ratios in 75Kr to resolve this serious discrepancy. New precise single-particle transfer cross section data are available for 75Ga, 75Ge, 75As and 75Se from several different reactions (2009Ka06,2008Sc03); these data give information for occupancy of valence neutron orbitals in the ground states of target nuclides: 76Ge, 76Se and 78Se. No significant new data since the 1999 NDS for A = 75 have been reported for 75As and 75Se. No data are yet available for excited states in 75Co, 75Ni and 75Sr. For 75Fe, only the isotopic identification is made with one observed event. The radioactive decay schemes of 75Co and 75Ni are unknown while those for 75Rb and 75Sr are incomplete. This work supersedes the data presented in the previous NDS evaluation of A = 75 published by 1999Fa05.

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