
The experimental nuclear spectroscopic data for known nuclides of mass number 139 (Sn, Sb, Te, I, Xe, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy) have been evaluated and presented together with adopted properties for levels and gamma rays. This evaluation represents a revision of previous one (2001Bu16) by T.W. Burrows. Since then extensive new data have become available for many A=139 nuclides although, no excited state data are yet available for 139Sn, 139Sb, 139Tb, and 139Dy. The decay schemes of 139Sn, 139Sb, 139I, 139Tb and 139Dy nuclei are not known, and those for 139Gd and 139Eu are poorly known. Particle-transfer data are available for 139Ba, 139La, 139Ce and 139Pr. Limited high-spin data are available for 139Te, 139I, 139Cs, 139Ba, 139La and 139Ce, while such data are extensive for 139Pr, 139Nd, 139Pm, 139Sm, 139Eu and 139Gd. Recent 139Pm high-spin data from two independent studies using the same reaction and similar beam energy are in conflict and could be improved using state-of-the-art large gamma-detector arrays in contrast to the smaller arrays currently used. Cases for which no new experimental information are available since the last update have undergone checking resulting in some changes in the current work, but for the most part these are taken from the previous evaluations. Thus, the present work has greatly benefited from all prior NDS evaluations (2001Bu16, 1989Bu12, 1981Pe04, 1974Gr46), but at the same time data presented herein supersede those in the earlier evaluations.

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