
We explore some predicate-argument-structure phenomena in the context of the NomBank annotation project for English. Support verbs ( They completed the acquisition), transparent nouns ( His first batch of questions), prepositions (At Mary's request, John left the room ) and other lexical items can link arguments of a noun N to positions outside of the NP headed by N. In these examples, They is an argument of acquisition, His is an argument of questions and John left the room is an argument of request. In most cases, these NP-external arguments are linked to a multiword expression (MWE) consisting of the noun predicate and (at least) one other item: a support verb, transparent noun, preposition, etc. This paper discusses properties of these constructions and how they interact. For example, in Disney made dozens of attempts to acquire Apple, Disney is an argument of acquire, due to linking properties of the support construction make + attempt and the quantificational noun dozens.

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