
Pea (Pisum sativum) root nodule cells infected by the diazotrophRhizobium leguminosarum have been well characterized by chemical fixation techniques. Propane-jet freezing and high pressure freezing were used in this study to compare rapidly frozen and chemically fixed pea root nodule cells. Cells that had been incubated in 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid buffer and frozen with the propane-jet freezer were better preserved than cells that had been chemically fixed or frozen with the high-pressure freezer. Rapidly frozen infected nodule cells showed that the rough endoplasmic reticulum had a high frequency of associations with the peribacteroid membrane and the infection thread. The peribacteroid space also varied in size depending on the method of preservation; however, it was most reduced in size and devoid of inclusions in the propane-jet frozen tissue. The biological significance of these observations is discussed.

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