
Esophageal atresia (EA) is often accompanied by vertebral defects and other anomalies. The adriamycin rat model of EA has disclosed the embryology of the malformation and shown that the vertebrae and notochord are also abnormal. This study describes the nature of notochord malformations in rat embryos exposed to adriamycin. Time-mated rats received either 1.75 mg/kg adriamycin or vehicle i.p. on gestational days (E) 6 to 9; E-12, E-12.5, and E-13 embryos were harvested, embedded in paraffin, and serially sectioned at 3 microm in transverse plane from the head to the stomach for subsequent PAS staining. The findings in both groups were compared at the three endpoints. Control embryos had neither tracheoesophageal nor notochord malformations. On day 12, only 11/36 adriamycin embryos were normal; 7/36 had abnormal notochords, 11/36 had EA, and 7/36 had both. The corresponding figures for 12.5 days were 12/27, 0/27, 7/27, and 8/27 and those for the day 13 7/23, 5/23, 3/23, and 8/23. The malformed notochords were thickened, bifurcated, or trifurcated in the sagittal plane. The simultaneous presence of notochord and esophageal malformations suggests a direct link between both defects, but our observation of isolated occurrence of both shows that they reflect two expressions of the profound disturbance of embryonic para-axial organization responsible for the cluster of malformations rather than a cause-effect association.

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