
I. Specimen of Eozoon from Tudor, C. W. This very interesting specimen, submitted to me for examination by Sir W. E. Logan, is, in my opinion, of great importance, as furnishing a conclusive answer to all those objections to the organic nature of Eozoon which have been founded on comparisons of its structures with the forms of fibrous, dendritic, or concretionary minerals,—objections which, however plausible in the case of highly crystalline rocks, in which organic remains may be simulated by merely mineral appearances readily confounded with them, are wholly inapplicable to the present specimen. 1. General Appearance —The fossil is of a clavate form, six and a half inches in length, and about four inches broad. It is contained in a slab of dark-coloured, coarse, laminated limestone, holding sand, scales of mica, and minute grains and fibres of carbonaceous matter. The surface of the slab shows a weathered section of the fossil (Pl. XI.); and the thickness remaining in the matrix is scarcely two lines, at least in the part exposed. The septa, or plates of the fossil, are in the state of white carbonate of lime, which shows their form and arrangement very distinctly, in contrast to the dark stone filling the chambers. The specimen lies flat in the plane of stratification, and has probably suffered some compression. Its septa are convex toward the broad end, and somewhat undulating. In some places they are continuous halfway across the specimen; in other places they divide and reunite at short distances. A

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