
There are sex differences in the activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in response to stress, but the source of these differences is unknown. The hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis is regulated by corticotropin-releasing hormone and arginine-vasopressin neurones located in the paraventricular nucleus and these, in turn, are regulated by neural systems that include afferent noradrenergic and neuropeptide Y (NPY)-producing neural pathways. We tested the hypothesis that concentrations of noradrenaline and NPY will be elevated in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sampled from the third cerebral ventricle in response to stress, and these responses will differ in males and females. We collected concurrent samples of CSF (1 ml) from the third ventricle and blood (5 ml) from the jugular vein from gonadectomised rams (n = 7) and ewes (n = 5) at 10-min intervals for 3 h. This procedure was conducted on a day when no stress was imposed and on a day when audiovisual stress was imposed for 5 min after 1 h of sampling. Following the audiovisual stress, plasma concentrations of cortisol and CSF concentrations of noradrenaline were elevated (p < 0.05), but CSF concentrations of NPY did not change. Adrenaline was not detected in samples of CSF. The rise in plasma cortisol following the stress was greater (p < 0.05) in ewes than in rams, but there were no sex differences in the rise in noradrenaline. Basal concentrations of NPY in the CSF were higher (p < 0.05) in rams than in ewes. We conclude that the sex differences in the stress-induced activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in sheep are not likely to be due to differences in the level of noradrenergic and/or NPY input to the hypothalamus.

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