
Nonmigratory, 12-kHz, deep sound-scattering layers (NMDSLs) were entrained within Sargasso Sea-Gulf Stream waters during the formation of warm-core rings 82B and 82H. At night ring water was easily distinguished from Slope Water by the presence of these well-developed features between 200 and 550 m. The distribution of NMDSLs in 82H as a function of temperature and salinity matched Sargasso Sea distributions, indicating that Sargasso Sea water was present in the center of 82H at the time of its formation. However, the distribution of NMDSLs in the center of 82B a few weeks after its formation was more consistent with the distribution found in Gulf Stream-Sargasso Sea edge water. NMDSLs were a persistent feature of the lower thermostad and upper thermocline of 82B. Their distribution in the upper thermocline approximately paralleled the decrease in thickness of the thermostad and became shallower with increasing distance from ring center. The NMDSLs disappeared at the ring edge when the bottom of the thermostad became shallower than about 100 m. Their distribution within 30 km of ring center changed very little between April and June, whereas those found in the thermocline at greater distances from ring center showed greater dispersion with respect to temperature. Following several Gulf Stream interactions in July, the NMDSLs were significantly shallower, and lay in colder water. The continued presence of the deep NMDSLs in the thermocline, even though the latter was nearly 100 m shallower, indicates that the remaining thermocline had not been significantly exchanged with Gulf Stream or Slope Water during the interactions. The changes in the temperature of the water in which the NMDSLs were found in August suggest that core waters (30 km from ring center in June) were resorbed by the Gulf Stream and that only waters of 30 km radius remained to reform the ring. We found no evidence that the animals composing the NMDSLs adjusted their vertical distributions in response to changes in environmental properties; rather, the temporal changes we observed are best explained by the physical processes affecting ring structure. No qualitative decrease in NMDSL intensity was observed in 82B between April and August, suggesting that the sound scatterers can tolerate significant changes in depth, temperature and salinity. The gonostomatid fish Cyclothone braueri and the physonect siphonophores are possibly sources of the NMDSLs.

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