
Abstract. We use wind sensitivity experiments to understand the wind forcing dependencies of the level of no motion as the depth of maximum overturning and the e-folding pycnocline scale, as well as their relationship to northward transport of the mid-depth Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) which extends vertically to the depth of maximum overturning of the upper AMOC cell. In contrast to previous studies, we investigate the interplay of nonlocal and local wind effects on a decadal timescale. We use 30-year simulations with a high-resolution ocean general circulation model (OGCM) which is an eddy-resolving version of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology ocean model (MPIOM). Our findings deviate from the common perspective that the AMOC is a nonlocal phenomenon only, because northward transport and its depth scales depend on both nonlocal Southern Ocean wind effects and local wind effects in the Northern Hemisphere downwelling region where Ekman pumping takes place. Southern Ocean wind forcing predominantly determines the magnitude of the pycnocline scale throughout the basin, whereas Northern Hemisphere winds additionally influence the level of no motion locally. In that respect, the level of no motion is a better proxy for northward transport and mid-depth velocity profiles than the pycnocline scale, since the wind forcing dependencies of the level of no motion and maximum overturning are equal. The changes in maximum overturning with wind forcing are explained by the changes in the level of no motion only. This is because wind-driven Ekman compensation is baroclinic and occurs above the level of no motion, and the internal vertical velocity shear that is not influenced by the external Ekman cells stays approximately constant. The analysis of the wind experiments suggests a hemisphere-dependent scaling of the strength of AMOC. We put forward the idea that the ability of numerical models to capture the spatial and temporal variations of the level of no motion is crucial to reproduce the mid-depth cell in an appropriate way both quantitatively and dynamically.

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