
ABSTRACT The objectives of this work were to adjust nonlinear regression models for the green beans production and to identify the plot size which provides the best explanation and adjustment to the models. The authors used two field and two protected environment (plastic tunnel) trials in the autumn-winter and spring-summer seasons. The logistic and von Bertalanffy models were adjusted for average weight of green beans accumulated after multiple harvests and with different plot sizes. The models presented similar estimates and the same parameters estimates in all the plot sizes. The logistic model provided estimates closest to the reality, showing the best description performance for the average weight of pods during the productive cycle. In the autumn-winter season, plot size of 14 basic units (28 plants in the cultivation line direction) in the field and of two basic units (four plants in the cultivation line direction) under the plastic tunnel provide a good quality in the models adjustment. In the spring-summer season, the plot sizes are made of six basic units (12 plants in the cultivation line) in the field and seven basic units (14 plants in the cultivation line) under the plastic tunnel.


  • Os objetivos do trabalho foram ajustar modelos de regressão não-linear para a produção de feijão-de-vagem e identificar o tamanho da parcela com melhor poder de explicação e ajuste dos modelos

  • Hortic. bras., v34, n. 4, out. - dez. 2016 to improve the quality of essays use the following strategies: determination of plot size and sample size adjusted to the variability of experimental areas; determination of the variability behavior between lines and between harvests; study on data transformation and use of Papadakis method to minimize the effects of excessive zeros which causes overdispersion in the observed variables due to lack of suitable fruits to be harvested from certain plants in certain crops

  • The variance homogeneity of average weight of pods in multiple harvests was observed in all growing environments

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Os objetivos do trabalho foram ajustar modelos de regressão não-linear para a produção de feijão-de-vagem e identificar o tamanho da parcela com melhor poder de explicação e ajuste dos modelos. Na estação sazonal outono-inverno parcelas de 14 UBs (28 plantas no sentido da linha de cultivo) a campo e de duas UBs (quatro plantas no sentido da linha de cultivo) em túnel plástico proporcionam uma boa qualidade no ajuste dos modelos. As carried out for snap-bean, all harvests should be considered in the statistical analyses, as they are one of the variability sources of the variables observed In this situation, residual variance tends to be inflated and leads to an inadequate choice of experimental design, plot size and sample size for the experiments and, it influences negatively the discrimination of treatment effects in evaluation. Hortic. bras., v34, n. 4, out. - dez. 2016 to improve the quality of essays use the following strategies: determination of plot size and sample size adjusted to the variability of experimental areas; determination of the variability behavior between lines and between harvests; study on data transformation and use of Papadakis method to minimize the effects of excessive zeros which causes overdispersion in the observed variables due to lack of suitable fruits to be harvested from certain plants in certain crops

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