
In this work, we have studied the non-Hermitian nonlinear Landau–Zener–Stückelberg–Majorana (LZSM) interferometry in a non-Hermitian N-body interacting boson system in which the non-Hermiticity is from the nonreciprocal tunnelings between the bosons. By using the mean-field approximation and projective Hilbert space, the effect of nonreciprocity and nonlinearity on the energy spectrum, the dynamics, and the formation of the interference fringes have been studied. The different symmetries and the impact of the two different types of reciprocity, i.e. the in-phase tunneling and anti-phase tunneling, on the energy spectrum and the phase transition between the Josephson oscillations and the self-trapping have been investigated. For the LZSM interferometry, the strength of the nonreciprocity is found to take an essential role in the population of the projective state and the strengths of the interference patterns in the projective space. While the conditions of destructive and constructive interference under the weak-coupling approximation still only depend on the strength of nonlinearity. Our result provides an application of the nonlinear non-Hermitian LZSM interferometry in studying the parameters of a two-level system which related to the nonlinearity and the non-Hermiticity.

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