
The nonlinear equation of motion that accomplishes a self-consistent unification of quantum mechanics (QM) and thermodynamics conceptually different from the (von Neumann) foundations of quantum statistical mechanics (QSM) and (Jaynes) quantum information theory (QIT), but which reduces to the same mathematics for the thermodynamic equilibrium (TE) states, and contains standard QM in that it reduces to the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for zero entropy states is discussed in full mathematical detail. By restricting the discussion to a strictly isolated system (noninteracting, disentangled and uncorrelated), we show how the theory departs from the conventional QSM/QIT rationalization of the second law of thermodynamics, which instead emerges in QT (quantum thermodynamics) as a theorem of existence and uniqueness of a stable equilibrium state for each set of mean values of the energy and the number of constituent particles. To achieve this, the theory assumes Trρ lnρ B −k for the physical entropy and is designed to implement two fundamental ansatzs: (1) that in addition to the standard QM states described by idempotent density operators (zero entropy), a strictly isolated and uncorrelated system admits also states that must be described by non-idempotent density operators (nonzero entropy); (2) that for such additional states the law of causal evolution is determined by the simultaneous action of a Schrodinger-von Neumann-type Hamiltonian generator and a nonlinear dissipative generator which conserves the mean values of the energy and the number of constituent particles, and in forward time drives the density operator in the 'direction' of steepest entropy ascent (maximal entropy generation). The resulting dynamics is well defined for all non-equilibrium states, no matter how far from TE. Existence and uniqueness of solutions of the Cauchy initial value problem for all density operators implies that the equation of motion can be solved not only in forward time, to describe relaxation towards TE, but also in backward time, to reconstruct the 'ancestral' or primordial lowest entropy state or limit cycle from which the system originates. Zero entropy states as well as a well defined family of non-dissipative states evolve unitarily according to pure Hamiltonian dynamics and can be viewed as unstable limit cycles of the general nonlinear dynamics.

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