
understandtheeffectoftheinteractionbetweenpreexistingsheddingvorticesandtheadditionalvorticesinducedby disks displaced in the prechamber on the nonlinear combustion process. Experimental results showed a peculiar pressure dropof about10psiin acertain test condition.Thispressure dropcan bebetter understood bythe DCshift reported in solid rocket combustion with opposite sign (pressure jumps up in the DC shift). Compressible study was conducted for the flow in a circular duct with a blowing wall to understand the dynamic role of shedding vortices. Large eddy simulation analysis illustrated many interesting flow features, including the existence of periodic oscillatory flownearthesurface.Theoscillatory flowcharacterizedbythenegativevelocityisadirectconsequenceof sheddingvortices,andthiswillleadtothelocalenhancementofheat flux.Thus,theplausiblescenarioforthenegative DC shift is the phase cancellation of oscillatory flow motion preexisting in the surface region. If the disturbance generatedintheprechamberisoutofphasewiththatofthevorticesproducedbytheblowingwall,iteventuallyleads to a sudden pressure drop.

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