
Noncommutative geometry is an established potential candidate for including quantum phenomena in gravitation. We outlined the formalism of Hopf algebras and its connection to the algebra of infinitesimal diffeomorphisms. Using a Drinfeld twist, we deformed spacetime symmetries, algebra of vector fields and differential forms, leading to a formulation of noncommutative Einstein equations. We studied a concrete example of charged BTZ spacetime and deformations steaming from the so-called angular twist. The entropy of the noncommutative charged BTZ black hole was obtained using the brick-wall method. We used a charged scalar field as a probe and obtained its spectrum and density of states via WKB approximation. We provide the method used to calculate corrections to the Bekenstein–Hawking entropy in higher orders in WKB, but we present the final result in the lowest WKB order. The result is that, even in the lowest order in WKB, the entropy, in general, contains higher powers in ℏ, and it has logarithmic corrections and polynomials of logarithms of the black hole area.

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