
We have conducted a comprehensive survey of 22 sharp-edged ringlets and gaps in the Cassini Division of Saturn’s rings, making use of nearly 200 high-SNR stellar and radio occultation chords obtained by the Cassini VIMS, UVIS, and RSS instruments between 2005 and 2013. We measure eccentricities from as small as ae=80 m to nearly 30 km, free normal modes with amplitudes from ∼ 0.1 to 4.1 km, and detectable inclinations as small as asini=0.2 km. Throughout the entire region, the Mimas 2.1 ILR (inner Lindblad resonance) produces systematic forced m=2 distortions that quantitatively match the expected amplitudes, phases, and pattern speed. The narrow Russell, Jeffreys, Kuiper, Bessel, and Barnard gaps are simplest, and do not contain dense ringlets. Their outer edges are generally quite sharp and four of them are circular to within ∼0.25 km, whereas most of the inner gap edges have significant eccentricities. Three gaps are more complex, containing one or more isolated ringlets. First among these is the 361 km-wide Huygens gap, containing two ringlets. The wider Huygens ringlet has nearly identical eccentricities on the two edges, in addition to OLR-type (outer Lindblad resonance) normal modes on the inner edge and ILR-type modes on the outer edge. A secondary m=1 (eccentric) mode is present on the outer edge of the ringlet, with a pattern speed similar to that of the B ring’s outer edge. Variations in the ringlet’s width are complex, but are statistically consistent with the expected magnitudes resulting from the random superposition of the multiple normal modes on the two edges. Also present in the Huygens gap is the very narrow so-called Strange ringlet, with a substantial eccentricity and inclination, as well as both ILR- and OLR-type normal modes. The 100 km-wide Herschel gap’s inner edge is highly eccentric, with at least seven ILR-type normal modes. The outer gap edge is also eccentric, and hosts four OLR-type normal modes, and a secondary m=1 mode with a pattern speed quite close to that of the B ring’s outer edge. The Herschel ringlet itself is eccentric and inclined, but neither the pericenters nor the nodes are well-aligned. The third of the complex gaps is the 241 km-wide Laplace gap, containing the Laplace ringlet. Both gap edges are eccentric, with very similar pericenter longitudes and apsidal precession rates, in spite of their large radial separation. The Laplace ringlet has eccentric edges and an abundance of normal modes. Like the Herschel ringlet, the Laplace ringlet does not precess rigidly and does not conform to the usual dynamical picture of an eccentric ringlet. Normal modes are abundant in the Cassini Division. Consistently, we find free ILR-type normal modes (m > 0) at the outer edges of ringlets and the inner edges of gaps, and free OLR-type normal modes (m ≤ 0) at inner ringlet edges and outer edges of gaps, as expected from the resonant cavity model of normal modes. We estimate the surface density of ring features from the resonance locations of the normal modes. The Cassini Division exhibits apsidal precession rates that are anomalously large, compared to the predicted values based on Saturn’s zonal gravity field. The overall radial trend matches the secular contribution expected from the nearby B ring, assuming a surface mass density of Σ=100 gm cm−2. However, the outer edges of the Huygens and Laplace gaps, and the outer edge of the Laplace ringlet, have conspicuously large residuals, exceeding their predicted precession rates by more than 0.03∘d−1. These patterns are probably the result of forcing by nearby ring material, but at present we cannot account for them in detail.

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