
We show that various loci of stable curves of sufficiently large genus admitting degree d covers of positive genus curves define non-tautological algebraic cycles on {overline{{mathcal {M}}}}_{g,N}, assuming the non-vanishing of the d-th Fourier coefficient of a certain modular form. Our results build on those of Graber-Pandharipande and van Zelm for degree 2 covers of elliptic curves; the main new ingredient is a method to intersect the cycles in question with boundary strata, as developed recently by Schmitt-van Zelm and the author.


  • 1.1 Tautological classes on moduli spaces of curvesThe Chow A∗(Mg,n) and cohomology H ∗(Mg.n) rings of moduli spaces of stable pointed curves are central objects of enumerative geometry

  • Many cohomology classes on moduli spaces of curves arising in geometry turn out to be tautological

  • Step 1 (h = 1, g + m2 = 12) : We pull back the cycle Hg/1,d,(m2)2 ∈ H ∗(Mg,2m2 ) to the boundary stratum M1,11 × M1,11 obtained by gluing g − 1 pairs of nodes on the two elliptic components together

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Tautological classes on moduli spaces of curves

The Chow A∗(Mg,n) and cohomology H ∗(Mg.n) rings of moduli spaces of stable pointed curves are central objects of enumerative geometry. While both objects are extremely complicated and likely impossible to understand completely, Mumford [12] initiated a study of certain tautological classes on Mg,n that appear in many natural geometric situations and are largely computable in practice. Additive generators for the tautological ring and formulas for their intersections may be given combinatorially, see [6, Appendix A]. Many cohomology classes on moduli spaces of curves arising in geometry turn out to be tautological. Using techniques of Gromov-Witten theory, Faber-Pandharipande [3] show that loci of curves admitting maps to P1 with prescribed ramification profiles are tautological.

Non-tautological classes from Hurwitz cycles
New results
Summary of proof
Tautological classes
Hurwitz spaces and admissible covers
à classes
Additional marked points
Hurwitz cycles
Boundary strata
Admissible Galois covers
Normalizing of the Harris-Mumford space
The Galois case
The Harris-Mumford case
Hurwitz cycles with rational target
Post-composing with forgetful maps
Induction on genus
Higher genus targets
Full Text
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