
In non-Hermitian scattering problems the behavior of the transmission probability is very different from its Hermitian counterpart; it can exceed unity or even be divergent, since the non-Hermiticity can add or remove the probability to and from the scattering system. In the present paper, we consider the scattering problem of a PT-symmetric potential and find a counter-intuitive behavior. In the usual PT-symmetric non-Hermitian system, we would typically find stationary semi-Hermitian dynamics in a regime of weak non-Hermiticity but observe instability once the non-Hermiticity goes beyond an exceptional point. Here, in contrast, the behavior of the transmission probability is strongly non-Hermitian in the regime of weak non-Hermiticity with divergent peaks, while it is superficially Hermitian in the regime of strong non-Hermiticity, recovering the conventional Fabry-Perot-type peak structure. We show that the unitarity of the S-matrix is generally broken in both of the regimes, but is recovered in the limit of infinitely strong non-Hermiticity.


  • Non-Hermitian quantum mechanics has attracted a great deal of attention recently; for a recent review, see, e.g., Ref. [1]

  • We present a brief review in Appendix A for the point-spectral complex eigenvalues in open quantum systems, and details of the analytic calculations are presented in Appendix B

  • We have considered the non-Hermitian scattering problem for a Fabry-Pérot-type PT -symmetric model

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Non-Hermitian quantum mechanics has attracted a great deal of attention recently; for a recent review, see, e.g., Ref. [1]. One of our motivations here is to see in an infinite open quantum system the physics of the exceptional point typical in the two-site PT -symmetric model (1) It manifests itself in the following simplest non-Hermitian scattering problem. For the eigenvalue k = π /2 + iκ, the probability amplitude starts to stay in the vicinity of the potential site, leading to an exponentially decaying wave function e−κ|x|, i.e., a sort of pseudo-bound-state is formed The formation of such a bound state (or a peculiar form of resonant state) is specific to non-Hermitian systems. A Breit-Wigner-type formula [62] for the transmission coefficient holds, leading to a finite, broadened transmission peak; the width of the peak is determined by the imaginary part of k or E [cf Eq (56)] This is contrasting to the case of the small-γ regime in which the resonant poles are on the real axis, leading to a sharp divergent peak.

Fabry-Pérot formulas for the transmission and reflection probabilities
More universal way of solving the problem
Transmission and reflection probabilities
Understanding the peak structure of the transmission probability
Discrete eigenvalues under the Siegert boundary condition
The reflection probability and the unitarity of the S-matrix
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