
The in-plane thermal conductivity of iron-based superconductor Ca$_{10}$(Pt$_{4-\delta}$As$_8$)((Fe$_{1-x}$Pt$_{x}$)$_2$As$_2$)$_5$ single crystal (``10-4-8", $T_c$ = 22 K) was measured down to 80 mK. In zero field, the residual linear term $\kappa_0/T$ is negligible, suggesting nodeless superconducting gaps in this multiband compound. In magnetic fields, $\kappa_0/T$ increases rapidly, which mimics those of multiband superconductor NbSe$_2$ and LuNi$_2$B$_2$C with highly anisotropic gap. Such a field dependence of $\kappa_0/T$ is an evidence for multiple superconducting gaps with quite different magnitudes or highly anisotropic gap. Comparing with the London penetration depth results of Ca$_{10}$(Pt$_3$As$_8$)((Fe$_{1-x}$Pt$_{x}$)$_2$As$_2$)$_5$ (``10-3-8") compound, the 10-4-8 and 10-3-8 compounds may have similar superconducting gap structure.

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