
This study explores medical students' perspectives on the key features of ideal supervisor responses to microaggressions targeting clerkship medical students. This single-institution, qualitative focus group study, based in an interpretivist paradigm, explored clerkship medical students' perceptions in the United States, 2020. During semistructured focus groups, participants discussed 4 microaggression scenarios. The authors employed the framework method of thematic analysis to identify considerations and characteristics of ideal supervisor responses and explored differences in ideal response across microaggression types. Thirty-nine students participated in 7 focus groups, lasting 80 to 92 minutes per group. Overall, students felt that supervisors' responsibility began before a microaggression occurred, through anticipatory discussions ("pre-brief") with all students to identify preferences. Students felt that effective bystander responses should acknowledge student preferences, patient context, interpersonal dynamics in the room, and the microaggression itself. Microassaults necessitated an immediate response. After a microaggression, students preferred a brief one-on-one check-in with the supervisor to discuss the most supportive next steps including whether further group discussion would be helpful. Students described that an ideal supervisor bystander response incorporates both student preferences and the microaggression context, which are best revealed through advanced discussion. The authors created the Bystander Microaggression Intervention Guide as a visual representation of the preferred bystander microaggression response based on students' discussions. Effective interventions promote educational safety and shift power dynamics to empower the student target.

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