
This paper discusses about the theoretical “non-requirement” of dark matter, or in other words, there is no missing mass in galaxies. A singularity free and collision free n-body problem solution called dynamic universe model was used to find out the theoretical star circular velocity curves in a galaxy. Here five cases are presented. In the first case a HUGE mass at the center of galaxy, sun like stars and external galaxies are assumed, when plotted, the graph of last iteration shows disk formation and velocities achieved. This circular velocities verses radius graph looks exactly similar to observations by astronomers. In all the other cases, either the central mass is missing or external galaxies are missing or both are missing where resulting graphs look different. It can be inferred that the theoretical requirement of dark matter is calculation error, that no dark matter (missing mass) is required according to dynamic universe model. This prediction was first presented in Tokyo University in 2005. Later the findings from LUX in 2013 the (Large Underground Xenon) experiment confirmed this prediction. This new Tensor math in dynamic universe model was used for solving a large variety of physical problems which are otherwise not possible with present day physics. This method solved many unsolved problems earlier like existence of blue shifted galaxies galaxy disk formations, missing mass in galaxies, pioneer anomaly, non-collapsing large scale mass structures and new horizons trajectory predictions etc. AMS subject classifications: 70F10 (n-body problems), 70F15 (celestial mechanics), 70E55 (dynamics of multi body systems) 70-05 (experimental work) 70-08 (computational methods).

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