
We present a next-to-next-to-leading order accurate description of Drell-Yan lepton pair production processes through $\gamma^*/Z$ or $W$ exchange that includes consistently parton shower effects. Results are obtained by upgrading the vector-boson plus one jet NLO calculation in POWHEG with the MiNLO procedure and by applying an appropriate reweighting procedure making use of the DYNNLO program. We compare to existing data and to accurate resummed calculations.


  • FEWZ [15] implements NNLO calculation have formally the same (NLO) EW corrections and the leading photon initiated processes

  • We have explored the effect of using the alternative prescription first introduced in section 4 of ref. [41] to compute the scale used by the parton shower to veto hard emissions,6 the plots shown throughout the paper have been obtained keeping the veto scale equal to the default POWHEG prescription, both for Pythia6 and Pythia8

  • We show a comparison between the NNLO+NNLL resummation obtained using DYqT and our NNLOPS result obtained with Pythia8 and Pythia6, switching off all non-perturbative effects

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The method

We denote by dσMINLO/dΦ the cross-section obtained from the Vj-MiNLO event generator, fully differential in the final state phase space, Φ, at the level of the hardest emission events, i.e. before parton shower. A parton level V boson production generator that is accurate at O(αS2) for all IR safe observables that vanish with the transverse momenta of all light partons, and that reaches O(αS2) accuracy for the three Born variables ΦB achieves the same level of precision for all IR safe observables, i.e. it is fully NNLO accurate. To this end, we consider a generic observable F , including cuts, that is an infrared safe function of the final state kinematics.

Variant schemes
Phenomenological analysis
Estimating uncertainties
Practical implementation
Validation plots
Comparison to analytic resummations
Z production
W production
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