
The genome of the moderately haloalkaliphilic diazotrophic anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium Rhodovulum tesquicola A-36sT isolated from an alkaline lake was analyzed and compared to the genomes of the closest species Rhodovulum steppense A-20sT and Rhodovulum strictum DSM 11289T. The genomic features of three organisms are quite similar, reflecting their ecological and physiological role of facultative photoheterotrophs. Nevertheless, the nitrogenase activity of the pure cultures of the studied bacteria differed significantly: the highest rate (4066 nmoles C2H2/mg of dry weight per hour) was demonstrated by Rhodovulum strictum while the rates in Rhodovulum tesquicola and Rhodovulum steppense were an order of magnitude lower (278 and 523 nmoles C2H2/mg of dry weight per hour, respectively). This difference can be attributed to the presence of an additional nitrogenase operon found exclusively in R. strictum and to the structural variation in nitrogenase operon in R. tesquicola.

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