
It was known since the 1960’s that various denitrifying bacteria generate NO as an intermediate product of their dissimilatory NO3 − metabolism (Mar Biol 1:136–139, 1967; J Bacteriol 106:356–361, 1971; Appl Environ Microbiol 31:504–508, 1976). Today several prokaryote species are known as NO producers; many of them synthesize NO by reduction of NO2 −, while others contain NOS-like enzymes and show oxidative NO generation from L-arginine or Nω-hydroxy-L-arginine (Arch Microbiol 160:253–264, 1993; Trends Microbiol 17:212–218, 2009; Annu Rev Biochem 79:445–470, 2010). Various ecological niches house these NO producer prokaryotes: marine environments (Int J Syst Bacteriol 33:857–865, 1983; Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 55:919–924, 2005; Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 56:2153–2156, 2006; Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 104:678–682, 2009; Res Microbiol 161:604–612, 2010), poorly ventilated or flooded soils (Mol Biol Rev 61:533–616, 1997), contaminated and eutrophized waters (Shapleigh J The denitrifying prokaryotes. In: Dworkin M, Falkow S, Rosenberg E, Schleifer K-H, Stackebrandt E (eds) The Prokaryotes. Springer, New York, pp. 769–792, 2006; Water Environ Res 79:2499–2509, 2007; Water Res 42:812–826, 2008), fermented meat or milk products (J Bacteriol 179:7812–7815, 1997; Eur Food Res Technol 223:35–38, 2006; Int J Food Microbiol 120:303–310, 2007) and the surface of mucosal barriers (New Horiz 3:352–364, 1995; Inflammation 21:443–450, 1997) are all colonized by NO synthesizing bacteria.

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