
Al-Qur’an as a source of Islamic education, among its contents is about the stories of the Prophets in which implied the values of Islamic education which is very important and beneficial to the world of education. Among the stories of the prophets, is the story of the journey of the Prophet Ibraham ‘alaihis Salam, which is full of wisdom. His figure as a Prophet, the father of the prophets, the apostle Ulul Azmi, Khalilullah, is able to make him an example or figure of a good educator. The purpose of this research is to find out the values of Islamic education in the story of Prophet Ibrahim ‘alaihis Salam, especially in the story of the slaughtering order of his son, the prophet Ismail 'alaihis Salam. Which with these orders became the Shari'a of Sacrifice for the people of the Prophet Muhammad ṣallallāh ʿalaih wasallam. The research method used is qualitative non-interactive because the source of the data is in the form of documents, not direct data from people in their natural environment. The analysis of the data used is Content analysis, namely research that is in-depth discussion of the contents of a written information. Allah has explained the story of the slaughter of the son of the Prophet Ibrahim 'alaihis Salam, the prophet Ismail 'alaihis Salam in the Qur'an as-Shaffat verses 99-111. The values of Islamic education contained in this story are: Uluhiyah values which include aqidah values and worship values. The value of aqidah is reflected in the belief in Allah, namely the obedience of the Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail and in carrying out God's commands to slaughter his son Ismail. The value of worship is manifested in the implementation of qurban worship. The meaning implied in the implementation of Sacrifice worship is very much, including; (1) the realization of gratitude for the gift and favor of Allah, (2) Fostering a spirit of self-sacrifice, (3). Qurban teaches us to be generous, not greedy, greedy and greedy, (4) symbolically qurban educates us to kill animalistic qualities, (5) according to the meaning of harfiyah, qurban means close, meaning an effort to draw closer to God. The Insaniyah values are identified with the moral values of which are: honesty, tabligh, compassion, exemplary.


  • The purpose of this research is to find out the values of Islamic education in the story of Prophet Ibrahim alaihis Salam, especially in the story of the slaughtering order of his son, the prophet Ismail alaihis Salam

  • The Insaniyah values are identified with the moral values of which are: honesty, tabligh, compassion, exemplary

  • Kudwah kedua dari Nabi Ibrahim ‘alaihi al-sala>m adalah jika ingin memiliki anak yang shaleh, maka bersungguh-sungguhlah meminta dan mencita-citakannya dari Allah Azza wa Jalla

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Pendidikan Islam adalah pendidikan yang berwarna Islam atau pendidikan yang berdasarkan Islam.[1]. Yang terbaik di antara mereka mendapat sebutan sebagai ulul-‘azmi di kalangan para rasul, dan sebaik-baik mereka adalah al-khalilân (dua kekasih Allah Subh{a>nahu wa Ta’a>la). Posisinya dalam agama amat tinggi (seorang imam) yang selalu patuh kepada Allah Subh{a>nahu wa Ta’a>la dengan mempersembahkan segala ibadahnya hanya untuk-Nya semata. “Sesungguhnya Ibrahim adalah seorang imam yang dapat dijadikan teladan lagi patuh kepada Allah dan selalu berpegang kepada kebenaran serta tak pernah meninggalkannya (hanif). Dan sekali-kali bukanlah dia termasuk orang-orang yang menyekutukan Allah Subh{a>nahu wa Ta’a>la. Mencari dan menjadikan figur yang baik dan tepat dalam pendidikan Islam merupakan salah satu bentuk metode yang terbaik bagi anak didik, serta mengambil pelajaran atau nilai – nilai dari para pendidik terbaik seperti para Nabi, sangat memberikan jalan dan pengaruh bagi proses pendidikan. Rasul mewariskan Islam secara umum dan pendidikannya kepada para ulama, dan para ulamalah yang meneruskan tongkat estafet dari Rasul

Metode Penelitian
Ibid 61 7 Ibid 65
Sumber dan Analisis Data
10 Ibid 253 11 Ibid 249
Nilai-Nilai Uluhiyah
Nilai-nilai Insaniyah
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