
To find unrecorded diatom species in the Nakdong River Estuary and Yeongil Bay, bottom sediments in the estuary, and seagrasses in the bay were collected from 12 sampling sites. Eighteen species and four genera are added to the national flora of diatom as newly recorded one. In the Nakdong River Estuary, twelve species are new records to Korea, Martyana atomus (Hustedt) Snoeijs, Pseudostaurosira perminuta (Grunow) Sabbe & Vyverman, Trachysphenia acuminata M. Peragallo, Trachysphenia australis Petit, Fallacia clipeiformis (Konig) D.G. Mann, Amphora graeffeana Hendey, Amphora jostesorum Witkowski, Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot, Amphora ostrearia var. vitrea (Cleve) Cleve, Amphora wisei (Salah) Simonsen, Halamphora eunotia (Cleve) Levkov, Halamphora lineata (Gregory) Levkov, Nitzschia littorea Grunow. In Yeongil Bay, four species are added as new, Licmophora gracilis var. anglica (Kutzing) H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo, Tabularia investiens (W. Smith) Williams & Round, Nitzschia composita Giffen, Nagumoea neritica Witkowski & Kociolek. Two species occurred simultaneously in both regions, Fragilaria cassubica Witkowski & Lange-Bertalot and Hyalinella lateripunctata Witkowski et al.

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