
A whole-mount immunocytochemical method was devised to study the olfactory receptor neurons on the surface of the human olfactory mucosal sheet. Antibodies to neuron-specific tubulin and/or microtubule-associated protein 5 and phosphorylated neurofilament protein were used. Specimens taken at autopsy from 56 patients ranging in age from 2 days to 92 years revealed a structure not previously described, an olfactory pit. Round or oval openings with a diameter of 50 to 500 microns were observed on the surface of the olfactory epithelium in the whole-mount specimen. The morphology, number, and distribution of these openings varied among the different individuals. A detailed analysis of these structures was carried out by rehydrating and sectioning the whole-mount specimens. The olfactory pit (OP) is a blind pouch lined with olfactory epithelium (OE), which appears as an invagination of OE into the connective tissue, with a depth varying between 150 and 200 microns. In some sections through an OP, a thick axon bundle emerging from the bottom of the pouch was visible. The extension and termination of this axon bundle in the central nervous system has not been explored. We have found OPs in monkey olfactory mucosa, but none in rodents. The function of the pit specialization is unclear, but it appears to be a feature of normal, young epithelium. The configuration of the blind pouch may prolong odorant association with the olfactory receptor neurons, or the OP may contain specialized neurons that have not yet been recognized by morphological, biochemical, or functional techniques.

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