
Pileus caespitose, 3-5 cm broad, convex, 'Light Cinnamon Drab', marginal zone white, viscid, fibrillose and more or less reticulate under the lens, margin even. Context thick, firm, white; odour and taste raphanoid. Lamellae adnate to rounded-adnate, at first white, becoming brownish, close, medium narrow, edges fimbriate. Stipe I-2-5 cm long, 8-16 mm thick, white, with white scales above, slightly bulbous, solid. Veil none. Spores 9-12 x 6-7-5(-8) tkm, inequilateral in profile, subovoid to subfusoid in face view, with a 'nose', wall 0o4-0o5 /km thick, asperulate, calyptrate, brownish in KOH. Basidia 28-37 x 7-8 /tm, 4-spored. Pleurocystidia none; cheilocystidia 38-68 x 5-10 pm, subcylindric, subcapitate, often ventricose below. Gill trama of slender, subparallel hyphae. Pileal trama of radially disposed, somewhat interwoven hyphae. Pileal cuticle an ixocutis, hyphae with clamp connexions. Hypodermium a zone of radial hyphae. Stipe cuticle of dry, repent hyphae, bearing scattered clusters of caulocystidia, similar to cheilocystidia. Clamp connexions on the epicuticular hyphae of the stipe.

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