
Abstract Kainulainen, K., B. Van EE, P. Antilahimena, H. Razafindraibe & P.E.Berry (2016). New species and species reports of Croton L. (Euphorbiaceae) from the eastern forest corridor of Madagascar. Candollea 71: 327–356. In English, English and French abstracts. Six species of Croton from the Moramanga District of the Alaotra-Mangoro Region of eastern Madagascar (Toamasina Prov.) are newly described here, five of which occur in the Ambatovy mining concession. A seventh new species is described from the Ankerana Forest in the Atsinanana Region, some 80 km to the northeast of the town of Moramanga, which is one of the offset areas intended to mitigate the deforestation incurred by the Ambatovy mining project. Of the new species, Croton ferricretus Kainul., B.W. van Ee & P.E. Berry is the one most closely associated with the ultramafic soils where nickel and cobalt is being extracted. Although it is locally common, it is only known from the mine concession. Croton enigmaticus P.E. Berry & B.W. van Ee is co...

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