
This New Mineral Names has entries for nine new minerals, including andychristyite, crimsonite, ferro-ferri-hornblende, kummerite, kuratite, oscarkempffite, oxo-mangani-leakeite, pauladamsite, and penberthycroftite. # Andychristyite* {#article-title-2} A.R. Kampf, M.A. Cooper, S.J. Mills, R.M. Housley and G.R. Rossman (2016) Lead-tellurium oxysalts from Otto Mountain near Baker, California, USA: XII. Andychristyite, PbCu2+Te6+O5(H2O), a new mineral with hcp stair-step layers. Mineralogical Magazine , 80(6), 1055–1065. Andychristyite (IMA 2015-024), ideally PbCu2+Te6+O5(H2O), is a new mineral found on the small dump outside the entrance to the Aga mine Otto Mountain near Baker, San Bernardino County, California, U.S.A. The new mineral was found as a few crystals in a small vug in quartz in association with timroseite. Andychristyite is a secondary oxidation-zone mineral presumed to have formed by oxidation of primary sulfides and tellurides during or following brecciation of quartz veins. It occurs as tablets flattened on {001}, up to ~50 μm in size, in sub-parallel aggregates. Crystals are bluish-green with very pale bluish-green streak, are transparent with adamantine luster, are brittle with irregular fracture, show perfect cleavage on {001}, and no twinning. Mohs hardness was not measured, but is estimated to be 2–3. The density was not measured; D calc = 6.304 g/cm3. Andychristyite does not fluoresce under UV light. It decomposes rapidly in dilute HCl at room temperature. The mineral is optically biaxial with undetermined sign, large 2 V , and moderate very pale blue-green to medium blue-green pleochroism. …

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