
A new method for determining the exterior-constitutional types based on the determination of the mass-specific coefficient (CMR) using 4 body measurements and the animal's live weight was developed and proposed according. Depending on the size of the UMK, the cows were classified into three exterior-constitutional types: loose ( 1.36 and less), intermediate (1.37-1.54) and dense (1.55 or more) types. The aim of the work was to differentiate the full-aged cows of the red steppe breed of the intra-breed type "Kubansky" (n =
 146) according to the types of constitution and the study of the immunobiological status of the organism, the level of milk productivity and reproductive capacity. It was found that the highest specific gravity of cows was found in a dense body type - 46.2%, which is 11.6% higher in individuals of intermediate type and 27.0% in loose body type. The yield of cows of loose type of constitution was higher than that of other types of individuals on average by 254-335 kg (P 0.95) with an average milk yield for the experimental population - 5496 kg. At the same time, cows belonging to the loose type of constitution, produced more fat and protein milk milk, whose superiority over dense-type contemporaries was 0.11 (P 0.99) and 0.09% (P 0.999), respectively. The best preserved cows were of dense type, the production use of which was much higher than that of peers of loose type. Despite the greater yield of cows of loose type for a separate lactation, this did not provide them with an advantage in terms of lifetime productivity, they were inferior to dense animals on an average of 2109 kg of milk.

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