
Dentistry plays an important role in the identification of victims in large-scale disasters. The current poor status of and problems with victim identification work were highlighted in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011, in which some 10,000 people lost their lives. The techniques of dental identification therefore need to be improved if they are to cope with the problems associated with identification that will accompany the predicted Tokai earthquake and other unexpected large-scale disasters in the future. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of applying a digital impression-taking device employed in regular dental care to dental personal identification. The Trophy 3DI pro (Yoshida Dental) was applied to a total of 150 dental models. The diagnosis was accurate in 2,096 teeth from a sample of 2,100 comprising 1,240 non-treated teeth, 670 treated teeth, and 190 missing teeth, yielding a 99.8% level of statistical precision. These results suggest that the level of accuracy offered by this impression-taking device indicates that it would be a useful tool in establishing personal identification in disaster victims.

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