
The following letter from M. Réboul will serve to introduce the several subjects upon which he has addressed the Institute:—“Gentlemen,—The Institute of Actuaries being the most competent tribunal in matters of assurance, it is to you, as to my natural judges, that I have conceived it proper to submit my first essays in that science.“ The manuscript, which I have the honour to present to you, contains:—“ 1st. Five new tables of life annuities.“ 2nd. The introduction and plan of a work upon assurance.“ 3rd. Note upon a new formula for calculating the assurance of a capital sum to the survivor nominated.The annuity tables accompanying M. Réboul's communication are sufficiently described by that gentleman himself. The rate of mortality, and the rates of interest upon which they are based, will, no doubt, be considered by our readers as circumstances affording sufficient reason for not reproducing them here.

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