
The present study attempts a conjugate analysis of satellite-based remote sensing, gravity, and magnetic data for evaluation of structures and tectonic for new insights on Kimberlite emplacement around the Bundelkhand Craton. Initially, Landsat Operational Land Imager (OLI) data has been enhanced using high-pass filtering for the delineation of lineaments. A combined lineament density map has been prepared from the processed Landsat image, Bouguer gravity, and RTP (Reduction to pole) magnetic data, which are further correlated with the reported Kimberlite/Lamproite pipes. The depth to the lithospheric Mantle of the study area has been estimated from EIGEN6C4 Bouguer gravity data using the Parker-Oldenburg algorithm. The association of the reported Kimberlite/Lamproite pipes in the study area have been analyzed with the i) composite lineament density map, ii) different mantle blocks of high and low Moho depths, iii) lithospheric mantle density, and iv) tectonic setting. Some new potential zones for Kimberlite/Lamproites emplacement have been identified based on the integrated analysis of the above mentioned parameters.

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