
In this contribution, new specimens of the tritheledontid eucynodont Irajatherium hernandezi, from the Late Triassic (Caturrita Formation) of southern Brazil, are analyzed. The new material provides significant information about incisor count, canine size and shape, basicranial morphology, and other previously unknown aspects of skull and dentition. A cladistic analysis with inclusion of the new data supports the assignment of Irajatherium to Tritheledontidae, basal to Chalimininae and Pachygenelinae. Previously unknown characters of Irajatherium revealed by the new material include: the presence of three lower incisors; the first lower incisor is enlarged; the presence of large upper and lower canines with deep paracanine fossa on the maxilla; almost complete upper and lower postcanine tooth row with a pattern similar to that of other tritheledontids (e.g. Pachygenelus and Chaliminia); there is a conspicuous crest on the inner surface of the maxilla for the attachment of the inferred maxillary turbinates; partially confluent jugular foramen and fenestra rotunda within the jugular fossa, separated by a finger-like projection of the posterolateral wall of the opisthotic; and hypoglossal foramina located outside the jugular fossa. Irajatherium is a key taxon for understanding the early evolution of ictidosaurs, a group of cynodonts closely related to mammaliaforms, during the cynodont–mammal transition from the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic.

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