
The new records of five species of Limoniidae (Diptera) are given: Rhabdomastix beckeri (Lackschewitz, 1935) and Scleroprocta pentagonalis (Loew, 1873) are recorded for the first time from Russia; the first reliable record of Eloeophila mundata (Loew, 1871) from Russia is given; Hexatoma fuscipennis (Curtis, 1836) and H. nubeculosa nubeculosa (Burmeister, 1829) are recorded for the first time from NE European Russia. It is found that the larvae of four species, R. beckeri, S. pentagonalis, E. mundata and H. fuscipennis, in NE European Russia (Perm Territory and Udmurtia) are aquatic psammorheophilous forms inhabiting sandy sediments at the bottom of rivers in sites with strong current. Previously the larvae in these genera and in three of these species have been considered mostly as semiaquatic forms that develop in substrata near the water margin. Larval habitats of the four species in the study area are characterized. The photographs of diagnostic characters of adult males of these species are given.

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