
A biostratigraphic subdivision, based on ammonites, is proposed for the Lower Cretaceous pelagic to hemipelagic succession of the Puez area (Southern Alps, Italy). Abundant ammonites enable recognition of recently established Mediterranean ammonite zones from the upper Hauterivian Balearites balearis Zone (Crioceratites krenkeli Subzone) to the upper Barremian Gerhardtia sartousiana Zone (Gerhardtia sartousiana Subzone). Ammonites are restricted to the lowermost part of the Puez Formation, the Puez Limestone Member (ca. 50 m; marly limestones; Hauterivian–Barremian). Numerous ammonite specimens are documented for the first time from the Southern Alps (e.g., Dolomites). Ammonite abundances are clearly linked to sea-level changes from Late Hauterivian to mid Late Barremian times. Abundance and diversity peaks occur during phases of high sea-level pulses and the corresponding maximum flooding surfaces (P. mortilleti/P. picteti and G. sartousiana zones). The ammonite composition of the Puez Formation sheds light on the Early Cretaceous palaeobiogeography of the Dolomites. It also highlights the palaeoenvironmental evolution of basins and plateaus and provides insights into the faunal composition and distribution within the investigated interval. The intermittent palaeogeographic situation of the Puez locality during the Early Cretaceous serves as a key for understanding Mediterranean ammonite distribution.

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