
The decomposition of peroxynitrite (PON) in aqueous solutions was investigated by monitoring the release of dioxygen as a function of pH together with the various reaction products generated from phenol. This substrate was used as a mechanistic model for tyrosine nitration in prostacyclin synthase for which we have reported a highly efficient nitration and inhibition by PON (Zou, M., Martin, C., and Ullrich, V. (1997)Biol. Chem.378, 707–713). Nitrite as a contaminant and product of PON generated 4-nitrosophenol and some nitrophenols in the acidic pH range. In the alkaline range high amounts of 4-nitrosophenol originated from the disproportionation of PON yielding dioxygen and NOxspecies. The hydroxylation of phenol occurred between pH 3 and 8 with a maximum at 4.5. The nitration by PON also required a pH between 4 and 8 but had a second maximum between 10 and 12, suggesting that in this pH range phenolate was the reacting species. All isomeric biphenols were found as dimerization products as well as 4-phenoxyphenol (4-hydroxydiphenyl ether), indicating phenoxy radicals as intermediates. Since anisol when incubated under the same conditions yielded only hydroxylation but virtually no nitration products, it was concluded that nitration of phenolic compounds requires a one-electron oxidation as a primary step, followed by addition of the nitrogen dioxide radical.

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