
AbstractA satellite aerosol retrieval algorithm was developed to utilize a near‐ultraviolet band of the Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite/Thermal And Near infrared Sensor for carbon Observation (GOSAT/TANSO)‐Cloud and Aerosol Imager (CAI). At near‐ultraviolet wavelengths, the surface reflectance over land is smaller than that at visible wavelengths. Therefore, it is thought possible to reduce retrieval error by using the near‐ultraviolet spectral region. In the present study, we first developed a cloud shadow detection algorithm that uses first and second minimum reflectances of 380 nm and 680 nm based on the difference in Rayleigh scattering contribution for these two bands. Then, we developed a new surface reflectance correction algorithm, the modified Kaufman method, which uses minimum reflectance data at 680 nm and the NDVI to estimate the surface reflectance at 380 nm. This algorithm was found to be particularly effective at reducing the aerosol effect remaining in the 380 nm minimum reflectance; this effect has previously proven difficult to remove owing to the infrequent sampling rate associated with the three‐day recursion period of GOSAT and the narrow CAI swath of 1000 km. Finally, we applied these two algorithms to retrieve aerosol optical thicknesses over a land area. Our results exhibited better agreement with sun‐sky radiometer observations than results obtained using a simple surface reflectance correction technique using minimum radiances.

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