
We consider the collider phenomenology of a simple extension of the Standard Model (SM), which consists of an EW isospin 3/2 scalar, Δ and a pair of EW isospin 1 vector like fermions, Σ and overline{varSigma} , responsible for generating tiny neutrino mass via the effective dimension seven operator. This scalar quadruplet with hypercharge Y = 3 has a plethora of implications at the collider experiments. Its signatures at TeV scale colliders are expected to be seen, if the quadruplet masses are not too far above the electroweak symmetry breaking scale. In this article, we study the phenomenology of multi-charged quadruplet scalars. In particular, we study the multi-lepton signatures at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment, arising from the production and decays of triply and doubly charged scalars. We studied Drell-Yan (DY) pair production as well as pair production of the charged scalars via photon-photon fusion. For doubly and triply charged scalars, photon fusion contributes significantly for large scalar masses. We also studied LHC constraints on the masses of doubly charged scalars in this model. We derive a lower mass limit of 725 GeV on doubly charged quadruplet scalar.


  • Quadruplet scalars, being charged under the Standard Model (SM) gauge group, couple to photon and the SM electroweak (EW) gauge bosons (Z and W ±)

  • We have presented a model, which can generate small neutrino masses via dimension seven effective operators LLHH(H†H)/M 3 and can be probed at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) through the multi-lepton signatures

  • We have investigated the visibility of the triply and doubly charged scalars at the LHC

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Model and formalism

In order to realize see-saw mechanism for generating tiny neutrino masses, in addition to the usual SM matter fields, the model [8] includes two vector-like SU(2)L triplet leptons (Σ and Σ ) and an isospin 3/2 scalar (∆) in the framework of the SM gauge symmetry: SU(3)C × SU(2)L × U(1)Y. The EW symmetry is broken spontaneously once the neutral component of the scalar doublet (the SM Higgs doublet, H) acquires the vacuum expectation value (VEV), vH. As was shown in [8], even with positive μ∆2, due to the λ5 term in the potential, the neutral component of ∆ acquires an induced VEV at the tree level, v∆ = −λ5vH3 /M∆2. The masses of neutral (M∆) and charged (M∆i) component of isospin-3/2 scalars are given by [8, 10]. Due to the λ5 term in the potential, there will be small mixing (α) between SM Higgs and ∆ and it is given by tan 2α =. The mixing parameter α can be constrained from current experimental limit [11, 12] and it is shown by black shaded zone in figure 1

Origin of neutrino masses
Collider phenomenology
Bound on doubly charged scalar
13 TeV with
Collider implications of vector like leptons
Summary and discussions
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