
Background : Our purpose was to invesgate propolis and its component caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) for their anoxidant effects on the brainssue of rats exposed to ionizing radiaon (IR). Materials and Methods : Fi&y-four male albino Sprague-Dawley rats, divided into six groups, were designed as normal control group, cranial irradiaon of 5 Gray alone, irradiaon plus CAPE, irradiaon plus propolis, control groups of propolis and CAPE. Oxidave/anoxidave status indicators, lipid peroxidaon and anoxidant enzyme s, were determined by biochemical methods in homogenized brainssue of rats. Results : Malondialdehyde level, the lipid peroxidaon index, in the irradiaon alone group was found to be significantly increased compared to all of the other groups (p<0.001). Enzyme acvies of superoxide dismutase (SOD) were 504.93, 720.70 and 659.98 for irradiaon alone group, irradiaon p lus CAPE group and irradiaon plus propolis group, respecvely. Enzyme acvity of SOD in the irradiaon alone group was found to be significantly decreased compared to the groups received propolis or CAPE (p<0.003). Enzyme acvity of glutathione peroxidase was not found stascally different among all of the groups. Conclusion: Propolis and CAPE were found to be beneficial agents in protecng brainssue against IR-induced oxidave damage.

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