
Sleep is homeostatically regulated by sleep pressure, which increases during wakefulness and dissipates during sleep. Recent studies have suggested that the cerebral neocortex, a six-layered structure composed of various layer- and projection-specific neuronal subtypes, is involved in the representation of sleep pressure governed by transcriptional regulation. Here, we examined the transcriptomic changes in neuronal subtypes in the neocortex upon increased sleep pressure using single-nucleus RNA sequencing datasets and predicted the putative intracellular and intercellular molecules involved in transcriptome alterations. We revealed that sleep deprivation (SD) had the greatest effect on the transcriptome of layer 2 and 3 intratelencephalic (L2/3 IT) neurons among the neocortical glutamatergic neuronal subtypes. The expression of mutant SIK3 (SLP), which is known to increase sleep pressure, also induced profound changes in the transcriptome of L2/3 IT neurons. We identified Junb as a candidate transcription factor involved in the alteration of the L2/3 IT neuronal transcriptome by SD and SIK3 (SLP) expression. Finally, we inferred putative intercellular ligands, including BDNF, LSAMP, and PRNP, which may be involved in SD-induced alteration of the transcriptome of L2/3 IT neurons. We suggest that the transcriptome of L2/3 IT neurons is most impacted by increased sleep pressure among neocortical glutamatergic neuronal subtypes and identify putative molecules involved in such transcriptional alterations.

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