
The existence of Golgi type II neurons was verified in the anterior intralaminar central lateral (CL) nucleus of the cat thalamus, and its projection cell types were identified, by means of Golgi impregnation. CL principal neurons were found to display a large- or medium-sized cell body and a radiate dendritic pattern. Their primary dendrites were limited in number, and had a rather long course; they were poorly ramified. The axons of principal neurons were impregnated only occasionally and for a short distance. Projection neurons of the 'bushy' or tufted type, described in the main thalamic sensory nuclei, were not identified in the CL in the present study. Typical Golgi type II neurons were found throughout CL. They were mainly small-sized, and displayed a rich dendritic arborization characterized by dendritic appendages. The axons of Golgi type II neurons were seen to give rise to extensive local arborizations. The present findings indicate that in the cat CL, principal cells are mainly represented by radiate neurons. Typical local circuit neurons also are evident in CL, suggesting that the activity of anterior intralaminar structures is regulated by intrinsic mechanisms similar to those operating in the main thalamic relay nuclei.

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