
The present study was undertaken to determine the firing patterns and the mechanoreceptive field (RF) properties of neurons within the face primary motor cortex (face-MI) in relation to chewing and other orofacial movements in the awake monkey. Of a total of 107 face-MI neurons recorded, 73 of 74 tested had activity related to chewing and 47 of 66 neurons tested showed activity related to a trained tongue task. Of the 73 chewing-related neurons, 52 (71.2%) showed clear rhythmic activity during rhythmic chewing. A total of 32 (43.8%) also showed significant alterations in activity in relation to the swallowing of a solid food (apple) bolus. Many of the chewing-related neurons (81.8% of 55 tested) had an orofacial RF, which for most was on the tongue dorsum. Tongue protrusion was evoked by intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) at most (63.6%) of the recording sites where neurons fired during the rhythmic jaw-opening phase, whereas tongue retraction was evoked by ICMS at most (66.7%) sites at which the neurons firing during the rhythmic jaw-closing phase were recorded. Of the 47 task-related neurons, 21 of 22 (95.5%) examined also showed chewing-related activity and 29 (61.7%) demonstrated significant alteration in activity in relation to the swallowing of a juice reward. There were no significant differences in the peak firing frequency among neuronal activities related to chewing, swallowing, or the task. These findings provide further evidence that face-MI may play an important role not only in trained orofacial movements but also in chewing as well as swallowing, including the control of tongue and jaw movements that occur during the masticatory sequence.

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