
Since leptospirosis begins withasepticaemic stage, during whichleptospirae maybeisolated fromthe cerebrospinal fluid, theoccurrence oflesions inthe nervous systemisnotunexpected. Evidence of neurological abnormality canfrequently bedetected inthecourse ofatypical attack ofthedisease, but itisusually insignificant compared withtheinvolvementofotherorgans, andhaslittle effect onthe course oroutcome oftheinfection. Astheworld-wide distribution ofleptospirosis is becoming realized, however, moreclinical varieties areappearing, insomeofwhichthenervous lesions arethedominant ortheonlychanges. Thesecases havenotusually beenjaundiced, andtheinfection hasbeencausedby leptospirae otherthanL. icterohaeiolorrhagiae. A summaryoftheprevious literature isfollowed byadescription oftheneurological complications arising in64personally studied casesinMalaya. Allcaseswereprovedbybloodculture, positive serology, orboth,andwereduetoa variety of leptospiral types, ofwhichthecommonest were L.pyrogenes, L.hebdondidis, L.canicola, L.grippotyphosa, antd L.schiiffneri.

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