
This paper describes technology being developed at 21st Century Technologies to automate Computer Network Operations (CNO). CNO refers to DoD activities related to Attacking and Defending Computer Networks (CNA & CND). Next generation cyber threats are emerging in the form of powerful Internet services and tools that automate intelligence gathering, planning, testing, and surveillance. We will focus on "Search-Engine Hacks", queries that can retrieve lists of router/switch/server passwords, control panels, accessible cameras, software keys, VPN connection files, and vulnerable web applications. Examples include "Titan Rain" attacks against DoD facilities and the Santy worm, which identifies vulnerable sites by searching Google for URLs containing application-specific strings. This trend will result in increasingly sophisticated and automated intelligence-driven cyber attacks coordinated across multiple domains that are difficult to defeat or even understand with current technology. One traditional method of CNO relies on surveillance detection as an attack predictor. Unfortunately, surveillance detection is difficult because attackers can perform search engine-driven surveillance such as with Google Hacks, and avoid touching the target site. Therefore, attack observables represent only about 5% of the attacker's total attack time, and are inadequate to provide warning. In order to predict attacks and defend against them, CNO must also employ more sophisticated techniques and work to understand the attacker's Motives, Means and Opportunities (MMO). CNO must use automated reconnaissance tools, such as Google, to identify information vulnerabilities, and then utilize Internet tools to observe the intelligence gathering, planning, testing, and collaboration activities that represent 95% of the attacker's effort.

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