
The structure of the netropsin . dG-dG-dA-dA-dT-dT-dC-dC complex (one antibiotic molecule/self-complementary octanucleodide duplex) and its dynamics as a function of temperature have been monitored by the nuclear magnetic resonances of the Watson-Crick protons, the nonexchangeable base and sugar protons and the backbone phosphates. The antibiotic forms a complex with the nucleic acid duplex at the dA . dT-containing tetranucleotide segment dA-dA-dT-dT, with slow migration amongst potential binding sites at low temperature. The downfield shifts in the exchangeable protons of netropsin on complex formation demonstrate the contributions of hydrogen-bonding interactions between the antibiotic and the nucleic acid to the stability of the complex. Complex formation results in changes in the glycosidic torsion angles of both thymidine residues and one deoxyadenosine residue as monitored by chemical shift changes in the thymine C-6 and adenine C-8 protons. The close proximity of the pyrrole rings of the antibiotic and the base-pair edges in the minor groove is manifested in the downfield shifts (0.3--0.5 ppm) of the pyrrole C-3 protons of netropsin and one adenine C-2 proton and one thymine N-3 base-pair proton on complex formation. The internucleotide phosphates of the octanucleotide undergo 31P chemical shift changes on addition of netropsin and these may reflect, in part, contributions from electrostatic interactions between the charged ends of the antibiotic and the backbone phosphates of the nucleic acid.

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