
Recently online streaming platforms have facilitated the circulation of audiovisual products. Among these, Netflix reaches more than 130 million viewers around the world. In addition to a variety of American movies, TV shows, and documentaries, Netflix has started to offer local original series from Spain, Germany, Italy, and the U.K. In December 2018, Netflix released its first original series in Turkish entitled “The Protector”. Though Turkish soap operas have been drawing great interest around the world lately, a Turkish series produced for Netflix means reaching considerable number of viewers from different cultural backgrounds. The following descriptive study aims to examine English subtitles of “The Protector” in terms of cultural references to determine if the ‘source cultural tone’ is preserved or the meaning is brought closer to target culture for the sake of providing an audience friendly subtitling and whether the Timed Text Style Guide offered to subtitlers by Netflix affects the subtitling process. Results showed that cultural references were highly domesticated by the subtitler for the international audience and Timed Text Style Guide provided by Netflix was also seen to have a target language oriented approach while requiring improvements in certain translation choices. Future studies focusing on a comparative analysis of subtitles of this show in other languages and the subtitling of other local Netflix original series in other languages may provide a fruitful platform for the exchange on the issues discussed.

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